Termite Treatment
Improve hygiene and Reduce Soil pollution with our Service Most of the residents and commercial buildings suffer from termites and it is the most common pest that can easily destroy the wooden property in no time.
Cockroaches Treatment
Your home can be invaded by unwanted pests like cockroaches. These tiny and creepy insects secretly live with your loved ones. They can be seen in some areas of your home such as the kitchen, or in the storage room.
Bed Bugs Treatment
Bed bugs feed on blood as a single source of nutrition. It must be fed to mature adults once during all its immature stages. Adult females also need blood to produce eggs. Although humans bite bugs, it is not known to spread the disease to humans.
Rats & Mice Control
Rats and mice are very destructive and contaminate buildings. Rats and mice urinate often, creating stains and offensive odors. A single rodent will produce about 25,000 feces droppings in a year.
Wood Borer Treatment
Woodboring beetles most often attack dying or dead trees. In forest settings, they are important in the turnover of trees by culling weak trees, thus allowing new growth to occur.
Mosquitoes Treatment
Mosquitoes and midges can make life unpleasant. Constantly having to track down that high-pitched whine can be a pain. And when you’ve found the culprit there always seems to be another one waiting in the wings.
Crawling Insects
Crawling insects, such as cockroaches, carry a range of serious illnesses including salmonella, dysentery, gastro-enteritis and typhoid. The risks of contracting an illness are particularly high in homes with more susceptible people such as children.
Reptiles / Lizards
Reptiles are a group (Reptilia) of tetrapod animals comprising today’s turtles, crocodilians, snakes, lizards, tuatara, and their extinct relatives. The study of these traditional reptile groups.
Residential Pest Control Service
Home is where you go to feel safe and secure. When Termite, Cockaroches, Bed Bugs, Lizards and rodents unexpectedly enter your home or property, it can be not only an annoyance, but also a health risk and can upset the balance and safety of your home.
Commercial Pest Control Services
Existence of pest in any setup certainly affects its customer’s perception about the company. Be it a school, hotel, hospital, shopping mall, warehouse, or food processing unit, there is always the risk of pests.
Water Tank Cleaning Service
Before you say anything else take a look at your water tank and then reply. When was the last time you cleaned it? You probably don’t have an answer?
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