Protecting Your Home from Termite Problems
Improve the hygiene and Reduce Soil pollution with our Service Most of the residents and the commercial buildings suffer from the termites and it is the most common pest that can easily destroy the wooden property in no time. These pests can easily destruct the hard earned property. Termites are usually found under the ground in the colony. They are the one that has the intelligence to create the path to your nest below the ground so that they can easily damage your wooden articles and furniture’s. Perfect Pest Control involves different techniques like drilling of holes in the wall and the floor and pouring the termite medicine to control them. Termites have resemblance with the ants and they are usually tinted gray in color. We firstly treat the soil and examine them as it is the origin and then discourages the growth of termites. Perfect Pest Control creates the chemical boundary around the property so that you can live in a protected area. With our extensive knowledge and experience we offer termite treatment in the best way possible so as to prevent the infection in the home. Perfect Pest Control makes use of the innovative application that ultimately kills the termites. We offer the safest termite control solutions at an affordable price.
Termites are the among the most damaging structural pests in Pakistan. Commonly known as white ants, they devour large amounts of wood and all other materials that contain cellulose. Although some structures are more prone to termite attacks, every house is susceptible to a potential termite infestation. While many house owners worry about fire or flooding, termite damage is a much more common problem.
Even if your home is build mainly of brick or stone, there is a risk of termite attacks on structural support and other building elements that are constructed of wood or other cellulose containing materials.
Termites are very secretive insects. Hence, it comes as no surprise that termite activities are usually recognized very late, when a lot of damage has already been done. Termite damage weakens wooden structures, and repairs can be a costly affair. In Pakistan the most commonly encountered pest termites are subterranean termites
1) Dampwood Termite:
Dampwood termites like to live and feed in very moist wood. because they need lots of moisture, Dampwood Termite usually live in damp, dying wood or in houses with leaking plumbing that keeps the wood wet. Dampwood termite do not carry disease and don’t usually bother buildings because there is not enough water in the wood.
To avoid Dampwood termites, make sure water drains away from your house and keep damp wood away from your home.
2) Drywood Termite:
Drywood termites form colonies of up to 2,500 members. Drywood Termite colonies don?t have workers. Younger termites, called “false workers”, do all the work for the colony.
Drywood Termites eat wood, wallpaper, plastics and fabric made from plants.
Drywood Termite colonies are usually found in dry wood and they do not require moisture or contact with the soil. Drywood termites can build nests and dig tunnels in buildings. These tunnels cause major damage because the wooden support beams can become weak and make the building lean or fall down.
To Prevent your Home from Drywood Termite, make sure firewood and scrap wood is stored away from your house.
Seal all cracks and crevices around the outside of your home.
3) Formosan Termite:
Formosan termite colonies can be up to 300 feet long and there can be tens of thousands of termites in a single colony. Formosan termite colonies are divided into three groups: workers, soldiers and reproductive. They are the largest and most destructive kind of termite.
Formosan Termites eat wood and fabric made from plants. When they eat dead trees, these termites help the environment and make space for new plant life.
Formosans live in huge underground colonies, and build mud nests inside the walls of a building. They can also live in boats and buildings.
To avoid Formosan termites, make sure water drains away from your house and keep damp wood away from your home. top
4) Subterranean Termites
Subterranean Termite colonies can have up to 2 million members! Their colonies are divided into three groups: workers, soldiers and reproductive.
Termites eat wood, wallpaper, plastics and fabric made from plants.
Subterranean termites need contact with the soil to survive. They live in underground colonies or in wet areas aboveground. They build tunnels to reach food and every spring, groups of reproductive termites fly off to start new colonies.
Subterranean termites are the most destructive kind of termite. They can eat a lot of wood and they can cause a lot of expensive damage to a house! They can destroy building foundations, wooden support beams, plastic plumbing pipes, sub-flooring, insulation ? even swimming pool liners and filtration systems! Termites can also injure or destroy living trees and shrubs.
To Prevent your house from Subterranean Termites
Don’t let water pool around your home’s foundation. Termites like that!
Never leave wood scraps in the yard for them to snack on.
The most common signs of a termite infestation include
Generally shortly before and after the annual rains, winged reproductive termites, the so-called Alates, emerge and make a short mating flight. Swarming termites are usually attracted to bright light and can thus be found near windows. After mating they shed their wings, which are another tell-tale sign of termite presence
Shelter Tubes:
Termites are very sensitive to changes in humidity. That is why they build mud tubes to protect themselves from sunlight, predators and to maintain convenient humidity levels. These tubes are a good sign of an ongoing termite infestation.
As termite workers consume wood, they create honey combed galleries which run parallel to the grain of the wood. There is often more damage than at first thought due to their secretive lifestyle and consumption of wood from the inside out.
People often confuse termites with winged ants, especially when they swarm. Key differences include:
The bodies of ants have a narrow constriction or waist, termites do not.
Termite wings are of equal length, ants have a long pair of wings and a short pair of wings.
All ants have elbowed antennae and termites have straight antennae.
Understandably, people are very concerned when they discover they have a termite problem. Fortunately, termite treatment technology has made tremendous strides in recent years. By calling Perfect Pest Control, you can be assured that your home will be serviced using the most modern materials and strategies available, and by a trained, experienced Termite Control Technician.
Termites are an extremely persistent and challenging pest. Homeowners should not attempt to resolve a termite problem on their own.
The chemicals used have greatly developed over the last decades, the recent most have a minimal impact on other beneficial soil fauna and will not spoil groundwater levels, as did the initial treatment methods.
Perfect Pest Control uses and advanced technique to protect homes from subterranean termite infestation by creating a treated zone around the perimeter and sub-floor of a premise. As termites tunnel through the treated zones in search of food, they are exposed to a very effective termiticide. This insecticide is not only ingested, but also adheres to the termites’ bodies. The affected termites then spread the chemical to other termites through physical contact. Within a few weeks, the entire termite colony is destroyed.
Your home is you’re most important investment and homeowners have for decades turned, with confidence, to Perfect Pest Control to help them tackle their termite treatment.
Considering the stakes, do not be fooled by discount termite control. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be an informed consumer. Remember that termite activity is often only noticed after extensive damage has been done. Make sure to ask for and thoroughly check the treatment documentation; professional service providers will offer warranties and Yearly inspections to assure you the peace of mind of a protected home.
While Perfect Pest Control will not be the least expensive termite control professional, you will have the assurance of working with an honest company that continuously strives for satisfaction and stands behind its work.
While we offer termite treatment to domestic and commercial clients, we also provide for pre-construction and post-construction termite control and prevention treatment solutions to the builders and architects. If you would like to get any kind of help, e-mail our experts.
We are providing Five (5) Years Warranty after the Treatment of Termite