Your home can be invaded by unwanted pests like cockroaches. These tiny and creepy insects secretly live with your loved ones. They can be seen in some areas of your home such as the kitchen, or in the storage room. These insects are typically hiding so it is typically hard to deal with them. We can provide you trusted Cockroach treatment in your city.
Is your home invaded by cockroaches? If that’s the case, you may find dealing with these pests and exterminating and forcing them to leave your home is not easy to do. Perhaps, you heard stories of some homeowners who have tried to deal with cockroaches. They did everything they know in the hope that these pests will be controlled but still they didn’t succeed.
Cockroaches Control & Inspection & Treatment Services:
Cockroach belong to Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insects and Order Blattaria. Some species invade human dwellings and are considered pests. Others are beneficial to the environment as important recyclers of decaying organic material. The pest cockroaches can be carriers of various diseases because they are commonly found near waste deposits or in the kitchen, where food is present. Restaurants may also experience cockroach infestations.
Cockroaches emit unpleasant odors and may also produce sound. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is the most famous of these vocal cockroaches, although more common species may produce quieter clicking or chirping noises
Signs of Cockroaches:
Signs of a cockroach problem can be identified by many physical tests such as cockroach droppings, smudge marks, mute skin, cockroach eggs, damage caused by cockroaches, unusual odors and actual scenes in kitchens and bathrooms.
Cockroaches are most active during the night. During the day they prefer to stay hidden in cracks and crevices, coming out to feed mostly at night time.
Cockroaches are attracted to all types of food available in your home. They will eat anything from foods, paper, packaging, plastics and fabrics to animal matter (i.e. hamster and rabbit droppings.)
If you suspect a problem in your home or business there are some simple ways to tell if you have cockroaches, we are always available for the cockroach treatment.
Cockroach Infestation Signs:
Some common signs can help to identify a possible cockroach infestation.
Unusual smell – An established cockroach infestation produces a lingering and unpleasant odour that taints items they contact.
Cockroach droppings – If little water is available cockroaches will produce brown/black cylindrical droppings, approx. 2mm long.
Smear marks – If water is abundant cockroaches will produce brown and irregular shaped smear marks. Check for marks on horizontal surfaces and at wall-floor junctions where cockroaches scuttle.
shed skin – Cockroaches shed ‘cast nymphal ‘skins 5-8 times as they mature to adults. These are usually found close to where they are sheltering. Check bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms – German cockroaches need warmth and humidity so are likely to be found in and around bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen areas. They are also good climbers, scaling smooth surfaces like glass & polished metal with ease; due to sticky pads on their feet.
Check your basement – Oriental cockroaches can cope with cooler, damp conditions and are more common scuttling about in basements or drains. If conditions are tolerable they can survive outside in areas such as rubbish tips. They are not as agile as German cockroaches, but can climb a surface such as rough brickwork.
Common Cockroach Species:
There are over 3000 different species of cockroaches – some are considered pests while others are beneficial in their natural environment. Pest cockroaches can be carriers of various diseases and the German cockroach, Oriental cockroach, American cockroach and Brown banded cockroach species are common to the UK. Spotted a cockroach scurrying across the kitchen? Learn to identify between cockroach species to address an infestation more effectively:
German cockroaches (Blatella germanica):
Notorious for their world-wide distribution, German cockroaches are easily identifiable by 2 dark stripes across their thorax. Adults grow to approximately 12 – 15mm in length.
Most commonly found indoors, German cockroaches prefer wet, humid conditions and are typically found within the home in areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.
Oriental cockroaches:
A uniform dark brown or black in colour, adult Oriental cockroaches are approximately 20 – 30mm in length.
Highly adapted for surviving in the natural environment, Oriental cockroaches thrive in cool, damp areas such as basements, drains and openings beneath porches. Known for their preference for feeding on garbage and decay, these insects can most commonly be found in rubbish tips and leaf litters.
American cockroaches:
One of the largest pest cockroaches to invade homes, adult American cockroaches are approximately 20 – 30mm in length and a red-brown in colour.
Also known as the ‘Palmetto bug’ because they live on trees, the American cockroach prefers dark, humid and undisturbed areas and can be found in basements, kitchens and bathrooms of homes.
Brown Banded cockroaches:
One of the smallest pest cockroaches, brown banded adult cockroaches are approximately 10 – 15mm in length and characterized by yellow-brown stripes across their abdomen.
Brown banded cockroaches mostly stay on ground, but may fly in very warm climates. Their preference for warm, humid environments leads them to harbourages within heated buildings – ceilings, attics, inside and around appliance motors. Primarily active at night, these opportunistic feeders particularly enjoy materials with high starch contents. It is often easier to spot signs of a cockroach problem than the actual insect pest. Cockroaches are most active during the night. During the day they prefer to stay hidden in cracks and crevices, coming out to feed mostly at night time. Cockroaches are attracted to all types of food available in your home. They will eat anything from foods, paper, packaging, plastics and fabrics to animal matter (i.e. hamster and rabbit droppings.)
If you suspect a problem in your home or business there are some simple ways to tell if have cockroaches we can do cockroach treatment in your city.
Eggs: check behind your books or paintings on the shelves for small cases of dark brown.
Shedding skin: check along the walls of the molting skin, often you will find a full body wraps.
Roth: cockroach feces often look like small black sand. High cockroach, the largest Ruth.
Do you have cockroaches?
Common myths of cockroaches
You are a dirty person if you have cockroaches.
Then you need cockroach treatment:
False: cockroaches can travel between homes through cracks and gaps in public services, regardless of how clean is your home, if they find food that will remain.
They have spread the disease.
False: cockroaches carry is not really the same diseases, but touching contaminated food and then transported in their bodies.
Cockroaches are afraid of the light.
False: cockroaches are nocturnal and, of course, but that does not mean they are afraid of the light. The reason for this run when the light goes on because they are afraid of you.
Contact us for the perfect cockroach treatment in your own city.